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حل درست مسائل از طریق درک دقیق مسأله و جمع آوری اطلاعات راجع به آن.
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با تشکر از زمانی که صرف تکمیل پرسشنامه نمودید
A study of the Relationship Between Faculty Members’ Skill in Application of the Seven Stages of Learning Cycle and Development of Intellectual and Practical Skills of Engineering Students of Shiraz University
Tahereh Darabi
The goal of study was investigating the relationship between faculty members’ skill in application of the seven stages of learning cycle and development of intellectual and practical skills of engineering students of Shiraz university. Statistical population was all engineering colleges students that by multistage cluster random sampling, 193 students selected. The instruments of this study included two researcher made scales of “process of seven stages learning cycle” and “intellectual and practical skills” that after calculating validity and reliability distributed and analyzed.The results indicated: The dominant skill of faculty members is engagement. The intellectual and practical skills of students are lower than desired level. The dominant intellectual and practical skill of engineering students is problem solving. The faculty members’ skill in application of the seven stages of learning cycle is positive and significant anticipant of intellectual and practical skills of women and men students and also various engineering majors students. From the viewpoint of women and men and also various engineering majors students, there is a significant difference between the faculty members’ skill in application of the seven stages of learning cycle. There is significant difference between the intellectual and practical skills of women and men students but there isn’t significant difference between the intellectual and practical skills of various engineering majors students.
Key words: faculty members’ skill, seven stages of learning cycle, intellectual and practical skills, engineering students
Shiraz University
Faculty of Education and psychology
M.A. Thesis in Educational Administration
A study of the Relationship Between Faculty Members’ Skill in Application of the Seven Stages of Learning Cycle and Development of Intellectual and Practical Skills of Engineering Students of Shiraz University
Tahereh Darabi
Supervised by
Dr. M.Mohamadi
June 2013
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